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Meet the Candidates- 2020

During this unusual year, the Fallbrook Neighborhood Association couldn't sponsor our usual large group Candidate Forum, so instead we interviewed the candidates for Elk Grove Mayor, EGUSD School Board Trustee (Areas 1 and 3), Los Rios Community College District Trustee (area 7), and US Congressional District 7. Two candidates chose not to participate. Residents submitted questions and a moderator questioned the candidates individually. All candidates answered the same questions.  Special Thanks to Brent Seavers for the many hours he spent on the professional videography.

We asked candidates to focus on addressing the issues since this was an interview rather than a debate.


What instructions did you give the candidates? We gave them approximately 2 minutes to answer each question and 1 minute for a closing statement. We asked them to focus on the issues since this wasn't a debate. We agreed not to make any edits that would change candidate wording. 


Did Candidates know the questions in advance? No. We did not share the questions with any candidates in advance. We told them we'd ask about why they were running for office first. They were able to prepare their closing statements in advance.


Who will Fallbrook endorse? The Fallbrook Neighborhood Association is a non-partisan, non-profit group. We do not endorse candidates.


© 2023 by Fallbrook Neighborhood Association

P.O. Box 2093

Elk Grove, CA 95759

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